Friday 9 July 2010

Research Into Existing Magazines

The second magazine cover I have chosen to research into is called People, the film that this magazine illustrates will be New Moon.

The target audience for New Moon would be aimed towards girls. This is becuase it is based on a love story between a man and women. Although a male actor has a major role in New Moon it is usually teenage girls and women who pay most attention to romance. Also young girls and women are usually attracted to the opposite sex and the image of the male actress attracts a large scale of females. With New Moon being a romantic fantacy it enables women mainly to relate largely to the storyline as they are portrayed as more emotional and romantic than the majority of men. On the front cover of People, the male character Robert Pattinson, is stood a step in front of the female character, this shows how males tend to have more power over women, and how women are seen to come across as innocent. The denotation of the magazine would be the sub titles, and different colours making headline stand out on the page, the conotations however would be the two characters as they are the main story to the magazine as it represents the film new moon. This connotation would be the key reason to why the audience is most likely to buy the magazine. The smaller images at the bottom of the page represents differents aspects of the love triangle in New Moon of the three main protagonists. This also encourages fans and others in the audiences to buy into reading about the film before watching it as the first film twilight was hugely successful.

Other key factors on the front cover of the magazine is the 'puff' this helps further promote New Moon. Next to the title 'People' there is a strap line saying 'special collectors edition' this helps promote the film and the majority of fans are likely to want to read up about the up coming release of the film.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Research Into Existing Magazines

The first magazine cover I have chosen to look into is called Total film, advertising the film Max Payne. The target audience of this film would be older teenage males and men, I think this because I believe they may be attracted to the image of the star character Mark Wahlerg as he is holding two guns and this connotes him to having confidence, being brave and having power. Males are usually attracted to images of males characterised in films due to them being able to relate to them, whereas girls are related to chick flick films for the same reason. The cover of the magazine is dull, the time of day is night time and the character is dressed in black clothes, this shows a negative effect on the behaviour being displayed. The denotation displayed on the front of the magazine cover would be the sub titles, these titles catch the audiences eye, and give a reason for them to buy the magazine. The conotation of the magazine however would be the main character Mark Wahlerg, this is because he is the main story for the magazine issue, and is one way of advertising the film Max Payne along with the enlarge title in white. There are many conventions used on the front of the cover such as, the bolder black image of the two guns, with one being placed in front of the other to show aggressiveness from the male holding the gun, also the headlines and darkness of the cover overall.

The image on the left shows how the two guns dominate the main image of the male actor, this is shown by the guns being pointed towards the eye of the camera and held high and in front of the character. With the guns being placed high and in front this suggests how much power the main character has. This is a symbol of masculinity, (his man hood). Many teenage males would be fasinated by the image on the front cover of this magazine and are likely to be comfortable to see this film.

This film would have been released on a positive note, knowing a large scale of male teenage boys will pay alot of interest in buying magazines, going to the cinemas to watch it and also talk about it with their friends, and encourage others to watch the film themselves. This will then make the film more successful.