Wednesday 2 March 2011

Target Audience.

Horror films are usually typically aimed at teenagers and young adults. The audience of horror films are mostly interested in feeling an adrenaline rush from being fearful, fear is built up from thrills scary music, setting and costume. This helps build up excitement for the audience and the significant number of people watching these horrors are young adults/teenagers. Although horror films are viewed in a negative light they sell very well as young people tend to find them appealing whereas critics find them disturbing and view them more negatively. Because of this assumption the majority of horror films are targeted towards a high number of teens as they are more likely to accept the faults shown in horror films more so than the older generation. However some of the older generation still find horror films appealing and will be up for watching them. Films such as 28 days later are aimed towards older people however this film appeals to a massive number of teenagers.

The target audience we have decided to aim our film towards is females. Although the horror genre is usually aimed towards men, our film has a storyline which is most likely to appeal towards females rather than males and as a group we agreed to subvert this typical convention to form a wider demographic. Another reason this would have a wider female audience rather than males is because females are more likely to relate to this storyline if they have had past experiences or if they know other members to have been in such situations. Males on the other hand tend to push these situations aside or feel they cannot cope deep down to talk about these problems such as mental disorders so deal with them in a different way, therefore males arent likely to find this storyline very appealing. Even though not all women find themselves in a situation where they have experienced mental illness or know of someone with this illness, they are still likely to watch it more so than men because they find such topics more appealing and interesting and are likely to take information from films.

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