Tuesday 1 February 2011

Case Study - Spiderman 3

Spiderman 3 was made by Sony Pictures and had its premiere in the Japanese capital - the first Hollywood blockbuster to do so. Spiderman 3 has made the most money on this side of the world than anywhere else.

Spiderman 3 is a good example of synergy because it released promotional material on several different platforms including, trailer, magazine and film posters etc.

Spiderman 3 is a action/drama fantasy which is highly likely to attract the male sex, also children will be fascinated by the artificial image on the front cover of the film and advertisments. Spiderman 3 also has scenes which include romance which is likely to attract the female sex as they like to relate to such situations or even escape from their own problems, women and girls tend to be more emotional than males which is why this is likely to attract females. Violence is also portrayed in this action drama which automatically brings attention to the male audience. Although the film has scenes which aim at both genders, I personally believe it is aimed at a higher proportion of males than females due to the image on the front cover and the genre it is.


The poster of spiderman 3 on the left connotes two sides to spidermans personality the bright side of him and the other represents the dark side of his personality which is the black suit. There is also a mirror between the two personalities.

The colours used on this poster and the font used are fixed throughout all releases of this film and throughout all types of releases such as magazines and trailers etc. The actual colours used on the building are very similar to the pattern on spidermans suit, and the high angle shot can leave the audience feeling very edgy however the colours used for the sky portray a very calm feeling.

Spiderman 3 follows the action drama which shows how a character has two personalities and these are built up throughout the film.


The main image on the cover dennotes Tony Maguire the main character. This image connotes the use of the star to promote the film shown in a black suit which relates to the film as spiderman has two personalities and the one shown is his dark side. This shows a heavily promoted character in a black suit, this is a gimic or promotional aspect which helps advertise the film. The characters face expressions and body language shows how he has power over other people, this is because he has dark sinister evil looks upon his face and his one arm positioned in front of he other. The magazine also has puffs to help promote the film and sell the magazine, this one has a bold white heading saying 'free' this is likely to draw people's attention to other blockbuster films especially if they like spiderman as the puff on this magazine is advertising rocky. Sub titles such as the new look helps promote the film also as people may want to see the difference and how his character could have changed.

Trailer - At the beginning of the trailer there is a establishing shot of many buildings, this is good as it shows where the film is set or a location that is used in the film. A fade to black is then used as a cut this is used to build up suspense as spiderman them comes into the trailer but you cannot see him, you know that it is likely to be spiderman as a high shot is used whilst moving along and is thought that spiderman is flying. Again a fade to black is used and this again builds up the idea that spiderman is flying as there is a lot of suspence and a shot is then used where there is a crowd looking high in the sky, which makes the audience ask themselves what are they looking at? Spiderman is then introduced to the trailer flying in the air and the pace is very quick. A low angle shot is used when spiderman is over head, this shows that he has a lot of power and influence over the people around him. The cuts used to separate each shot get quicker throughout the trailer to build up excitment for the audience, also the background sound which is off screen leaves the audience in more suspence.


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