Sunday 23 January 2011

Trailer Research: High School Musical 3

All high school musical films 1-3 belong to the collection of disney. This is likely to be due to Disney being related to childrens films and High Scgool Musical is targeted at children. Disney use various elements to attract childrens attention such as bright colours, and a lot of the time animated characters. High School Musical however is normal characters but are very cheerful which appeals to children significantly.

The sound at the beginning of the clip blends in before a picture appears on the screen as it does with the Dark Knight trailer too. There a a number of fades in the trailer and start of very slow then they speed up to build up excitment, the pace is very quick at this point and many different clips are shown (a montage of shots) the atmosphere portrayed is very happy and likely to encourage the audience to go and watch the film or buy it on DVD. Once the male character Zac Effron is introduced in the trailer a fast cut to a black background is shown, this leaves the characters in suspence as nothing negative is occuring.

The stage where the two male characters are in the basketball stadium is the stage where the pace increases massively and a sense of excitment is released.

This shot also establishes a shot revearse shot between the two male characters. Although the trailer is very dull the lighting is in between low key and high key however as it carries on it forms to high key. This translates the emotion from a fairly miserable feeling to a happy, energetic emotion.

The are a number of soundtracks played through the trailer of High School Musical 3, these tracks are from the film itself and the first track is a faster and more up beat sound to build up excitment for the audience and the second track portrays females emotions as the track is a lot more slower. As it is a musical film this trailer will attract a significant amount of music fans as it evolves around music throughout.


The main setting within the whole film is in the high school, and many locations are evolved around this area, e.g the basketball stadium or the gym. Various locations play a part in how the male character Troy develops throughout the film. Troy played by Zac Effron is a huge success since the first high school musical film and has become very appealing to the female eye. Many tweens and older teenagers look up to Zac Effron as a positive role model.
It is aimed at a tween audience as it is filmsed in a school and has many young characters and a cheery atmosphere they a number of young children look for.
The number of songs revealed throughout the film gives the genre of a musical as many songs are played and sung throughout.
With high school musical being a huge success, like many other disney film it has merchandised over a number of products such as the release of a soundtrack and featured on many childrens products such as t-shirts, bedsheets etc.
The hook of this film would be all ther singing, dancing and laughing as it is a very active impression and is likely to encourage the audience to get involved and singalong and dance. The colour scheme is also likely to attract the audience, particularly children as they are bright primary colours which attract children alot more.
Not only is the film a musical but it also portrays a teenage romance which is the reason it appeals to a number of teenagers and tweens as they are in these stages where they can relate to the film themselves.

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