Wednesday 6 April 2011

Cast List and Job Roles

Cast List
Our film trailer is based on a horror, so therefore had to allocate appropriate actors to suit such roles. As our trailer only shows two actors this became quite easy as one had a very simple role, the other however had a much more enthusiatic role and had to be very confident. We came to a choice to film Jade Cruise as the main actor and Charlotte Magill for the more simplistic role.

Jade Cruie as_____________

Jade is my group partner. Her job role was to research into the horror genre and input in the planning, (all members of the group created there own research), to make our trailer, film poster and magazine cover effective. From previous experience in our AS coursework I noticed Jade was also very creative which helps significantly with creating a film poster and magazine cover, Jade is capable of outlining the best ideas to attract a audience. As a group we also decided to give Jade the role as the main character , the mental patient as she felt most confident, she also filmed in our previous opening for AS. Jade had the most responsibility for the acting in the trailer. As an individual she felt that she would succeed in producing a very professional and successful trailer overall, Jade is very enthusiastic and able to portray emotions effectively.

Charlotte Magill as Nurse

Me, Charlotte Magill was the only other member of the group who felt comfortable with acting as the other member didnt feel comfortable. However I was not the main acress. I did not want to take on the main role as I felt I was not so good with my acting skills, however the role I was given was very simplistic so therefore I was up for it. As I only had a shot of walking down the corridor and did not have to take up any lines so felt this role suited me best. I did not have a main job role, however I did take part in all set tasks the group had to produce such as the magazine front cover, the poster, ideas for the whole project and filming. Another job role i had to take action with was the camera operator, I helped out my partner Jade Goldie in taking different shots and movement skills. Overall I felt I did the best I could and aimed to use the best shots and movement to create a meaning of the trailer. There were a majority of shots used with the use of a tripod, which meant the camera was very still and portrayed strong meaning, I found this was very useful as the genre horror is very itself.

Job Roles

There was a number of roles that myself and my two partners had to allocate each to. Each member of the group had different skills so therefore suited different roles. We have been able to outline our different skills over the two year period of the media course. As a group we identified that Jade Goldie was best suited for the camera work as she felt most comfortable, she also did not like being withing the eye of the camera so therefore this role suited her best, however myself (Charlotte Magill) did help with numerous shots. We decided that Jade Cruise was best for the main actress as she had more experience within the scenes and had more practice in front of the camera rather than behind it. All three members of the group would help contribute to porducing the magazine cover along with the film poster. This would mean that all members have to include creativity skills to incorporate a high standard level of work. However, due to Jade Goldie not taking any action in front of the camera and taking responsibility for the camera, she took a more catered role in producing the magazine and poster, Whilst Jade Cruise obliged a more in depth role in acting. Myself however contributed to acting, helping with the camera, the poster and the magazine front cover. All members of the group will take credit in editing our trailer overall as will all share a range of different skills. Jade cruise however will take a more leading role in this task as she is more stronger at this.

Jade Goldie

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