Monday 11 April 2011

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

To firstly make our film trailer appeal to a wider target audience, we decided to produce questionnaires for people to fill in so we could therefore incorportae there answers when producing our film, this would be relative as our trailer would then appeal more so than just using our own ideas.

To gather audiences feedback overall I asked selected people from diufferent age groups and different gender to watch my main product, (my trailer). I firstly got a boy and a girl of the same age group to watch my video to see how there opinions differed. The feedback which I recieved was quite positive as I was told I used various shots/angles/movements, and the sortyline was quite clear, from the use of flashbacks and different lighting techniques, such as high key and low key. The different use of shots such as match on action, high angle, low angle, close up, and medium shots help gather a storyline that matches on a trailer.

The male feedback however was positive but not as much as the females, I personally put this down to the storyline, as it revolves around female emotions, this is because it is a female mental patient living in a institution. There are no male characters in our product so therefore doesnt appeal to males so much. However they do note that they enjoy the use of weapons, blood and gore, it helped build up tension, excitment, and effective as nobody knew who who the patient was going to kill if she was going to kill anybody.

The female feedback was positive completely, as the storyline portrayed many female emotions and hormones, however the way they are expressed are very outrageous. The females also enjoyed the tension built up and stated that this made it a lot more exciting.

From receiving information about peoples views on our media product, this helped me understand my positive points and my negative points, where I could improve next time and what to keep the same. I firstly understand that to produce a much wider audience next time round, include both male and female actors, to make it more appealing to both genders.

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