Monday 11 April 2011

How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Construction And Research, Planning And Evaluation Stages?

The use of media technologies has been used to great levels within all stages of our media products, especially in the areas of planning, consruction, research and evaluation.

Firstly when constructing our media project, we needed technology the most, as this involved edits, cuts, sound etc. Our projected included constructing a film poster, magazine front cover, and film trailer. I feel that the technology used for our A2 was better of from the technology used for AS this is because, in AS we used pinnacle studio 12, whereas for A2 we used power director 9. After filming our trailer we had to put it together, this was with the use of power director 9, and we had to cut some of the clips to make them shorter and to enable the overall project flow more efficiently. We also added in transitions and included music instead of a voiceover for the trailer. Constructing our film trailer is the most technology dependant area as a lot of construction was to be made such as editing techniques. However the film poster and magazine cover also included the use of a lot of technology as we had to incorporate similar images along all three projects. The whole of our media project wouldnt have been successful without the use of technology, so was very dependant upon it, in its construction involving camera use, tripod's, and video camera. The camera was useful for our still images for our magazine cover and poster and the video handy camera was useful for our actual film trailer. The tripod enabled us to have more steady shots, insteady of handheld which would have made it more shakey and less useful to our storyline. We used photoshop to help handle the use of images for the ancilliary tasks, this program allowed us to layer photo's over one another if neccessary to give a better impacted outcome.

Our research was produced from the use of internet programs such as Youtube. Furstly I watched video clips such as trailers to research into existing trailers to give ideas for my final piece. Youtuube was a useful tool as it allowed me to gather other peoples idea's from the feedback tool. This allowed us to put other peoples thoughts into consideration. Furthermore, the internet also enabled us to use sites such as google images to help research into different magazine covers and posters to gather a insight to what would be the best for our tasks.

Technology was used a lot in our planning as we had to take different shots to see which would be the best for our ancilliary tasks, this was produced with the use of cameras, we were also able to use handy cameras to film and choose parts of filming for better shots. Other technology programs such as microsoft word, powerpoint and excel also was useful to help produce scripts for the team to follow, graphs and pie charts to show audience feedback in a different form rather than worded. I also used slideshare which was a internet sight which enabled me to upload images, wright about the images, and upload to by blogger, this was a useful technology tool as it gave a different view of findings and information rather than being all simplistic. Email was another source of technology as it allowed us as a group to transfer picures through attachments, as we needed images of one another for identity of job roles.

We finally uploaded all our project including, research, planning, and finally evaluation up to web 2.0 blogspot, this helped us gain user feedback from peers and teachers, which could in theory be our possible audience.

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