Wednesday 6 April 2011

Prop List

On the left is a diagram of our prop list. This in total helped organise our film and helped keep it in proportion and helped us gather all goods before filming. Props hel;p establish the scene so in a horror film or in any genre, props are very important, a more natural image is portrayed. Some props we are not able to use correctly, for exmple we are not able to use real blood so therefore have to buy fake blood or summet that looks very realistic. Props such as a stethoscope however we are able to use realisticly as members of the group have such items.

Costume and make - up is another aspect we have to consider as a group, the main character, the antagonist will be wearing very pale make - up however a significant amount to portray a pale image, the eye contacts will also help set the genre and is part of the characters make - up, the costume of the antagonist also portays a stong image and story as it is a hospital gown, and the whole body expressions given portray a stong sense of storyline. Body language used by the antagonist also the trailer in total helps the audience outline much of the genre. The behaviour portrayed by this character tends to be uncontrolable, and very dangerous, hence the reason living in a institution.

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